Sawmill Services
We operate two sawmills, ran by Double Diamond Sawmill, Marshal Wade and team, here in South West Washington.
Our flagship sawmill is a Matt Cremona Clone mill with a 72" wide and 16' long cut capacity.
Our second and newest mill is set up for a 36" wide by 37' max cut for timbers.

IDry Services
Our IDry Vacuum Kiln was procured about two years ago and has been critical to being able to provide stable, project ready wood for our customers.
Only a few weeks, while freezing, it hasn't been working.
The IDry Plus is a workhorse. With a capactiy of up to 4000 board feet, and dry times around 1 week per inch of thickness, it hasn't let us down!

Surfacing Services
With a matching cut capacity of 72" wide to 13' long (soon to be longer), there isn't much we can't handle.
Let us know how we can help on slab or table surfacing.